Thursday, February 25, 2010

Zane's story part 5b Wednesday, Afternnon

Secure in the sense that we didn't have to get it right Dave left to go get Bryce from preschool. We had discussed the idea that it didn't matter really what we chose. If we truly trusted God and this was truly our baby then he was coming to us no matter what we said. If he really was not our baby, then he wasn't coming to us regardless of what we said. If God is in control then he can influence systems to do his will. When Dave arrived home, he found me crying in front of the computer. We had received an email from one of the physicians (Melissa)who we had sent the medical record to. She is very trustworthy, brilliant, and thorough. It seemed that she had combed that record. She said that she believed the low hemoglobin had been dilutional due the large amounts of resucitation fluid the staff had given the baby. Unfortunately, we didn't have the cbc that showed the results. She said that it looked like other than over-hydrating him a bit, that they had taken good care of him and that he was doing well. In her opinion, he was healthy enough for us to take.
Later that afternoon, out of the blue, I got a call from another physician friend (Laurie) to had looked over the initial paperwork with me. I had mentioned that I would like a surgeon to look over the medical record. She told me that she was at work and the specific surgeon I had mentioned was there. She asked if I would like her to show him the record. I said "yes" and spent the next minutes sending it to her.
At 9:00pm I received another phone call. It was Laurie again. She had the surgeon (Matt) on the phone. As he started to talk to me he mentioned that he had worked in Africa for 2 years. He said "You know that I worked in Africa for 2 years?". I said that I didn't know that, at the same time being dumbfounded. What better person to look over the record than someone who was familiar with the system there. He said that the physicians there are very good. We didn't have an operative report, but he said from what was in the record that all looked well and he would have no reservations about the baby.
After hearing this report from Matt and Melissa, Dave and I popped the bottle of champagne. We heard from the other physician the next day. He also said that the baby looked healthy and that we should go ahead. We filled out the form and faxed it in. We were getting a baby!

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