Sunday, May 9, 2010

How to write it all down?

I would love to catalogue these days, but I get up when the kids do and at the end of the day I fall into bed exhausted. I need to put in items of note though. These are things that have made us feel more like a family.
1) We went to see the Gleysteen's yesterday in Birmingham. Dr. John Gleysteen had done Zane's life saving surgery in Ethiopia last September. It was wonderful to shake the hand of the man who saved our baby's life.
2) We have gone 8 full days without a tantrum/time-out session with Seth. Last week on Tuesday I was talking to my mom and telling her that we were having a good week so far and that the only person who had been in the time-out chair was Bryce. Bryce stated loudly that Seth had been in the time-out chair as well. Immediately Seth shouted "Time-out chair NO!". I told him that he was right...he had not been in the time-out chair this week.
3) Bryce and Seth were outside playing and Bryce was coming in intermittently to tattle on Seth. Once Seth came in with a stream of words in his language. Bryce came in behind him and asked "What did he say?". We said "We don't know, but we assume he's tattling on you." Bryce then says "Don't believe anything he says!"
4) My washer broke Monday so we had to go out and get a new one. We bought a floor model so it could be delivered Wednesday. They didn't have all the parts when they delivered it, so they said it would be 7-10 days before they could get it all hooked up. Meanwhile, the children were in the backyard having a mudslinging contest and there I was without a washer.
5) Dave was ordained as an elder Thursday evening. Prior to our neighbors arriving to watch the boys, Bren's frog got lost, the little boys were forgotten strapped in the car, the pizza wasn't picked up and everyone was crying. God bless Cindy and Kimberly Merriam who amidst that bedlam allowed us to walk out the door and encouraged us to go out to dinner after the church service.

1 comment:

Aaron and Heather said...

Maia, I love that picture of you all together- what a wonderfully precious time!
I so remember the exhaustion of those first months (year?)... it does get better and eventually you start to have the time/energy/interest in doing something more at the end of your "required" tasks of the day. That was a difficult time, especially when others really don't understand why you don't have time to update them, or call them back, or do the things you used to. Bringing more kids into your family certainly adds more activity to your day, but it's so much more than that- it can be so draining physically AND emotionally! Trying to be "big enough" to hold the pain of loss and adjustment for your new kids; have limitless patience, wisdom and love for the others who are adjusting to the new dynamics of your family; trying to decide when firmness is required to set the boundaries vs extra grace and hugs to deal with the root issues of grief... ahhh... I'm tired just remembering it all! :-)
I think of you so often and pray for you... wish we were closer! I'd take a few loads of laundry for you. :-)
I loved the tattling story!