Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Time Out

So I never thought that I would be one to celebrate a child sitting in a time-out chair, but we are. Seth managed to sit in the time-out chair for the first time this weekend. This is significant, because previously when he had to go there he would not stay in, he would scrape the chair along the floor, hit the walls, and attack the table that sits near the chair. We would eventually have to take him to his car seat. Now at our month anniversary he sat for the first time in his time-out. Progress!


Aaron and Heather said...

Isn't it funny when these things become the big celebrations of our lives? ;-)

Melodie said...

I hear you!
In the beginning Julia and Jaylene would have 18 timeouts each in one day. Praise Jesus those days are over! Now we can go for a whole week without one. Sometimes even longer.
I'm here you guys. If you want to talk, hash things out, share stories or simply vent, I'm here.