Monday, May 17, 2010


I think of this blog as a way to remember our lives during this time. As it is fun to remember the humorous things, it is also important to remember triumphs. This is one I believe. The twins were assigned a math project at school. They had to create their own math game. Jace chose something like chutes and ladders where he created a board. You draw a card, and answer the math question on it. If you get it right then you get to roll the dice and move ahead. If you get it wrong then you stay where you are. It was simple and complete and he did a good job. Bren, however blew me away. He is so forgetful, fanciful, and distracted most of the time I often miss the elements of brilliance that make him my husband's son. His game is played with cards. There are roles, the banker and the players. Everyone starts with $2.00. The banker plays 2 cards that have numbers on them. The players get to look at the numbers and decide if they will play in that round. If they choose to play, it costs them $.05. They pay the banker and the first player rolls the dice. You have to roll one of the digits on one of the cards to get a chance to play. If you don't roll a digit shown then it moves to the next player who rolls. If you do get a digit then you have a choice as to what math problem you will do. You get $1.00 for adding correctly, $2.00 for subtracting correctly and $5.00 for multiplying. The banker checks the answer on the calculator. If the player gets it wrong, the remaining players resume rolling and answering until someone gets it right or everyone has taken a turn. If they get it right then the banker pays them their money and draws 2 more cards. When the cards run out, the person with the most money gets to be banker but no one can be banker twice in 1 game. When everyone has had a chance to be banker, the person with the most money wins. We played this game last night with the kids and had a great time. Bren and Jace were really challenged by the banker role, and Dave and I were challenged by some of the 3 digit multiplication question we had to do in our heads. What great fun. I hope Bren gets a great grade for this one.

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