Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blog What Blog?

It is very sad when a friend asked me about the adoption and then asked if I'd updated the blog. I stared at her for a few seconds until I realized that yes I do have a blog. The worst part is that I have some pretty good material to share in the blog but I can't stop playing Bejeweled Blitz on facebook to ever take the time to update the darn thing. I also rely on facebook too much. I figure with over 200 friends everyone should know what is going on with me. Unfortunately a lot of those 200 really don't care. I am going to try to do better this week and spend each day to tell about something neat going on. First should be the adoption. So it took forever to get our referral, then it took 2 weeks to get our second referral. That was Oct. 1 and 15. Then it took forever to get a court date. We were told that once they submitted our paperwork to the court we should get a court date within 2 weeks. It took 5. So now we have a court date, January 25th!! If we pass court it will be the first thing in our adoption that went as planned. Dave has finally received his passport, so at least he will be able to travel to Ethiopia with me. It seems like those who have passed court are getting embassy dates for about 6-8 weeks later. I got an email from a girl who passed court yesterday and she is looking at a possible March 4 embassy date. Does that put us around March 11? Who really knows. I am excited to pass court because then I can freely share pictures. It is quite surreal to think that possibly in less than 1 week I will be the legal mother of 6 boys, and that I have not met 2 of them. Weird.


Tiffany said...

Can't wait for the big court date...and YES...put more on your blog!! :)

Julie said...


I've been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. I'm so glad to hear that you have a court date. I'll be praying it goes as planned!

Aaron and Heather said...

Yeah for updating your blog!!! Too funny that you forgot about it... :-) I for one am very glad to see the news here (not being a facebook girl- I KNOW I'd waste most of my life there). Hope to hear great news about your court date- from what I've heard they seem to have Embassy dates scheduled every two weeks. Can't wait to hear more about and see pics of the new Routleys! Congratulations!