Wednesday, November 4, 2009


After a long year of paperwork and waiting Dave and I have finally received our referrals. This means that we have finally seen the faces of the 2 precious boys we will be adopting. I can't share much information with you until after the court date. I want to say thank you to the wonderful physicians who poured over medical reports with me, I appreciate you so much.
What I can tell you is that we will get 2 unrelated little boys (there were not any siblings available). One of them is somewhere between 2-4 (They are unsure of his age), and the other is 2 months old.
Where do we wait from here?
Now we wait for the second medical reports just to be sure the children remain healthy. The second medical is already done on the older boy, and we are waiting for the baby's. When it is complete, our paperwork will be submitted to the courts for a court date. We think it will be some time in December. If it goes through, the boys will be legally adopted as our own, but the process is not done. The agency then needs to apply to the boys' villages for birth certificates. Once those are issued then we will be assigned an Embassy date. It is at this date that we must be present in Ethiopia to sign papers and bring the boys home. We figure the earliest that this could happen is February, and the latest would be April. We will receive a 2 weeks notice of when we are to be there.

Thank you everyone for your support and prayers as we enter this last stage of our adoption journey. When the court date goes through, we will be able to share pictures of the boys with you. The are each coming with one Ethiopian name and we will keep them as their middle names. We have changed the name that we formerly planned to call the baby because too many girls were popping up with it. So when you think of them, think of Seth and Zane Routly.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I finally caught up on your blog Maia...seems like it is finally getting closer for all of us. :) Also saw your post on the Peasant Princess series...I just finished those a couple of weeks ago. Loved them!