Friday, July 20, 2012


It will be a great day when I can shrug off the glare of another mother who disapproves of my parenting. Women, I don't think we realize just how much our judgement of others registers on our faces. Not only does it hurt feelings, but it causes unwarranted stress and anxiety. Imagine what a smile of encouragement would do instead. I usually get these glares when my kids are engaged in an activity that the onlookers consider "unsafe". With the post-modern, protect-your-kids-from -getting-a-scratch-ever, stupidity rampant in our generation, mothers have become absolute freaks. The problem is that they are obsessive about stuff that doesn't matter and out of ignorance, they let their kids do stuff that will actually cause significant harm. So Mothers, when you have a knowledge of pediatric trauma including morbidity and mortality statistics as extensive as mine, and you have successfully raised 6 boys, then disapprove as much as you like!

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